Team logo created by Amanta Scott for the Rusty Dragons.

Water Wizards


News (August 22): The team has just a few weeks of practices left before they end their season at the Stratford Regatta on Saturday, September 14th.  Catherine MacInnes is the team coach!  Catherine has a huge dragon boat resume, including as a race official (Starter, etc) and coaching many teams.  Our fabulous co-captains are Corinne and Kathy.  A team and club end-of-season party will be announced.

Planning for 2025 will start in September, and registration for the 2025 season will open about mid-January right here on this page.


Who we are: The team is in its 2nd year with many paddlers returning and spots for new paddlers (no experience necessary!)  We strive for a lively and supportive environment. The team did well in 2023 and is looking forward to being even stronger in 2024.


Commitment:  Please ensure you can attend at least 75% of the practices as well as both regattas.  This is a team sport and the more paddlers we have on the boat at all times the faster we can go together as we train for race day!

New Jerseys:  2024 will be the 20th anniversary for the Rusty Dragons.  One of many new initiatives to make the club better this year will be the acquisition of snazzy new full dye-sublimated race jerseys for ALL teams. The jersey cost of under $30 is INCLUDED in the registration fee.  


If you have any questions, please contact co-captain Corinne and Kathy at: 

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Program Details for 2024

We practice once a week from May 14 to Sept 10 and participate in 2 regattas.

Practices:  17 Weeks


Practicing TUESDAYs7:15 to 8:45 PM.

May 14/21/28, June 4/11/18/25, July 9/16/23/30, Aug 6/13/20/27, Sept 3/10. 


Arrive 15-30 minutes earlier.


Outer Harbour (480 Unwin Ave).

(see the Practice Site page).

New Site: Free unlimited parking!


The use of club paddles and life jackets is included, but you are welcome to use your own too.

Regattas: 2

Canada Day Regatta

Monday, July 1 

Toronto Island 

Includes 500m and 200m races.

Stratford Rotary Festival

Saturday, Sept 14

Lake Victoria, Stratford 

Mixed community team festival run by the  Stratford Rotary Club.


$505 (Includes a new dye-sublimated team jersey)

Payment is preferred by Interac e-mail transfer to "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." or by cheque to "Rusty Dragons Adventures".  Please add a comment with the Interac payment to say who and what it is for.  Contact Tim at "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." for our mailing address (if needed for a cheque). Payments are appreciated as early as possible.


**Note: The calculated fee is $505 due upon registration or by March 1. An option is two part payments: #1 $305 before March 1 and $200 due by May 15.  We do appreciate those who can pay the full amount early as we do have early team bills (practice site booking, regattas, etc).  Thank you!